So Much More

When my family and I first visited Augsburg, we were looking for several things:
- A mid-sized Lutheran church with a traditional worship liturgy.
- A church where the pastoral leadership was stable, experienced, and established.
- A church that was financially stable with modest growth expectations.
- A church that was devoted to a strong youth program.
After attending several New Member classes and multiple Sunday worship services, we had the opportunity to meet lots of members of the Augsburg family and feel the genuine excitement they shared in their church. We knew Augsburg was for us!
We soon discovered that the members do so much more than simply enjoy the experience of worshiping and praising God together. We are a congregation of caring and giving Christians who are sincere in our efforts to give to others in need.
My family has been blessed beyond what we need to live and enjoy a comfortable life. It is only fitting that we share with those who are less fortunate, just as the Bible calls us to do.
As previous generations have prepared the way for us to share our lives and do God’s work at Augsburg and in the wider community, we too have the opportunity and the obligation to carry forward the spirit of God’s love to all.
Mark Galchutt