Augsburg’s Youth Grow in Faith Through Education, Service, Fellowship and More
Middle and High school youth groups meet on most Sunday evenings for a meal followed by a program. Programs run the gamut from life choices, to bible study, to outreach activities, to fun group-building.
Senior youth attend the ELCA national youth event which occurs every three years (next one is 2024). On in-between years, Senior Youth make service oriented mission trips to regional destinations. Middle school students take mission trips every year.
Faith Formation includes Confirmation
Students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade go through Confirmation classes with the Pastors and volunteers. Classes take place during the spring in a 10-week time frame, right before Youth Group.
Confirmation Includes Campfirmation
Students spend one week at Lutheridge with Confirmation leaders for Karios Camp strengthening their faith and understanding of God’s love. Confirmands are expected to attend at least one time, however can attend Karios camp more than once, if they would like.
Program Support
Youth ministries at Augsburg receive programming support from the staff, and the Youth Ministry Committee and nearly twenty youth advisers. Adult members volunteer their time and skills as advisers to both groups. Parents of youth participate as chaperons as needed and provide the evening meals.