Confident Hope

I first came to Augsburg at the invitation of my husband, Art Foreman. Then we were single parents. We usually had our respective children in tow when we did things together. But that Sunday we were on our own. As worship began, Art handed me the green LBW, setting and hymns ribboned. Just like that, I was introduced to liturgical worship.

I will always remember the words: “Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts . . .” I’m sure the rest of the invocation followed, but I was trying to locate the place on the page, so I was hearing the words instead of reading them. They resonated with me. I heard them echoed in the Lessons, the Psalm, the Gospel, the Sermon, the Great Thanksgiving.

Then came the reality of the workweek with my students in the classroom. When confronted with challenges, I would hear: cleanse the thoughts of my heart. I even individualized the words: my heart for our hearts. Mere words? Not at all. The Spirit’s work was begun anew.

Worship centers my week. It has for thirty years. Always there are vestiges of that original experience. Whether it be The Good Shepherd window opposite the choir loft that invites contemplation or the appointed readings that help make the connection between Old and New Testament, promise and fulfillment—worshipping God makes me whole again.

Instituted by Christ, the church informs our faith in every season of life. My faith renewal could happen because people before me built and supported Augsburg Lutheran Church. No doubt, there are many stories like mine; these are stories of baptism, affirmation, and renewal in this holy place. I remain profoundly grateful for these souls and for their steadfast faith. This gratitude guides my financial support for Augsburg. I give in the confident hope that those who come after me will also love and serve our Lord and Savior.

Art and Martha Foreman have five sons and three grandchildren.

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