Input Gatherings Coming Soon

Campus Renewal Team will soon be asking for your input.

The Campus Renewal Steering Team (CReST) has been diligently meeting every other week since February. The team was appointed by Congregation Council and approved by the congregation at the Congregational meeting in November.

Research, Reflection and Team Building

The team includes Elly Burns Frye (chair), Jan Barbee, Jami Cuka, Dave Grossnickle, Kevin Kooken, Doug Nelson, and Kyle Voigt, and Paul Wollner. An examination the 2015 special review committee report, along with other special review reports, evaluated all general areas of ministry, administration, and operations of the congregation as snapshots in time of the congregation’s ministries. These reports give CReST a solid picture of the different areas of the church that have been given reflection, evaluation, or constructive critique. Many of the strengths and opportunities identified in past reviews reflect similar ministry opportunities we have today. Cottage meetings with Pastor Paul throughout the spring in 2018 revealed congregational support for these values:

  • We embrace a sacramental identity rooted in care for all of God’s people
  • We encourage innovative and inclusive faith formation
  • Lay ministry and fellowship are important to our discipleship, growth and outreach

The team has spent time discussing the process that we will follow and will soon publish a “ROADMAP” that will outline a framework for our efforts together.

Survey the Current State of Augsburg’s Campus

Property Team continues to do an excellent job maintaining and caring for Augsburg’s campus. For more than ten years, Property Team has been focused on potential major repairs or maintenance projects. A list of projects/work of known or anticipated property and facility needs is being compiled. This assessment of our current state will be incorporated into a report that will be part of the report to the congregation later in the year. Input is welcome. If you’ve noticed anything that you think should be on this list, contact Carrol Epting, chair of Property Team, or Kyle Voigt.

Your Visioning Input will be Requested Soon!

The visioning that started in cottage meetings and has been developed in congregational council retreats has provided some solid direction for campus renewal. Building on those discussions CReST will host a number of gatherings throughout the next several months to involve all of you in some bigger visioning work. There will be gathering opportunities for the congregation to focus on specific ministry areas, and then there will be opportunities for Ministry Teams and other activity groups to vision for more specific topics. Look for more information soon for meeting dates and times.

The Campus Renewal Steering Team is excited to explore Augsburg’s future Ministry Goals with all of you. We think that this visioning work will be crucial to identifying and defining Campus Renewal Goals that will guide the congregation into a Spirit led future.

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